Virginia Chang, Ph.D.
Certified End -of -Life DoulaHow do you want to live until the very last moment?
Virginia Chang, Ph.D.
Certified End -of -Life DoulaHow do you want to live until the very last moment?
What Families Have Said

“Virginia guided us all throughout J’s final hours, which were more beautiful, graceful, and peaceful than any of us could ever have hoped.....and I believe very strongly that that could not have been achieved without the blessing that was Virginia and her brilliant work.
I believe the contributions of an end-of-life doula to everyone and everything involved in the dying process of an individual are invaluable and immeasurable. Virginia is incredibly gifted and extraordinary in this field and I will forever be grateful to know her and to have been guided so beautifully by her throughout this painfully exquisite journey.”

D.’s sister
“I speak for myself and the family, anyone that has the pure pleasure to be graced and honored to have Virginia Chang there during the last phase of their story can know for sure angels do reside on this earth.”

“Consider yourself a lottery winner if you are lucky enough to have Virginia in your corner during those terrible times we all must go through at some point for our parents or loved ones. She handles the situation with care, calm, and respect that turns a black night into a beautiful dawn.”

“As Virginia worked with my husband during the last five months of his life, I witnessed a remarkable shift in his attitude towards dying: a complete softening into the process; an opening and acceptance. I know without a doubt that his work with Virginia facilitated this shift in him, which he himself confirmed as he sang her praises to me and all who came to visit him during this time. When he entered home hospice and my caregiving responsibilities increased, I came to rely on Virginia for support in so many ways: practical, emotional, logistical. She always came up with the right resource for each unexpected difficulty that arose. She also has the unique ability to be fully present with her clients, and she listens and speaks from a place of true, authentic presence and wisdom. I don't know how I would have survived the challenges of my husband's final weeks without her, and I am so grateful for her presence in my life. Anyone who has the good fortune to have Virginia by their side when their loved one or they themselves are dying is incredibly blessed.”

“Virginia gave me the space and practical tools I needed to better take care of myself, my Dad, and my family throughout the last few months of my Dad's life and in the weeks after. Virginia is a rare mix of both grounded and creative in her approach to support. Thank you!”

“Wanting to thank you again for being there with me to form a container to support my grief after my mom died.... I will always be grateful for your presence and kindness in my time of need.”

"There are many layers to death. It's not as simple as someone leaving this world, and I was not aware of the many complicated pieces that make up a loved one dying. I immediately felt safe when I met with Virginia. She had an immense amount of information to help guide me through the process of advocating for my father. From the time he received hospice care to his passing, she supported me. As a second-generation Asian American, there are a lot of intergenerational misunderstandings and miscommunications that can make this process particularly difficult and extremely emotional for me and my family. Virginia understood my struggles and provided various perspectives. It was nice to have someone who I could turn to when I was feeling lost. With Virginia's help and teamwork, I found peace knowing that I did the best I could to provide my father the honorable death he wanted."

“My aunt quickly accepted Virginia as a treasured companion and opened up to Virginia in ways that were simply not possible with friends and family. It was impossible for anyone close to provide unburdened attention to her, no matter how much one tried to leave their grief or problems at the door. Only Virginia could hold that clean, unfettered space for my aunt, and it was truly a blessing.”

S.’s wife
“He looked forward to and immensely enjoyed her visits and, I believe, shared with her thoughts he was not comfortable sharing with others.”

“Virginia helped my friend work through all that she was processing emotionally, mentally, and physically, and within a very short time, I noticed a shift - She started to accept the reality of her state, something that she had been struggling with. Although the circumstances were not going to change, she helped her feel a sense of empowerment. Most of her autonomy had been lost, but Virginia made it known that there were still choices that could be made. These choices could allow my friend to be in control of some aspects of the end of her life, and her passing was ultimately just as she described to Virginia how she wanted it to be. Virginia, thank you for the work that you do and all that you did for my best friend during the final few weeks of her life.”

N.'s social worker
“She is much more alert this morning. I am thinking that Virginia did a world of good … I think the presence is a miracle for her. She is likely to live a little longer now.”

C.’s case worker
“Thank you so much for the time, enthusiasm and attention you provided to Mr. C. I know you had a nice rapport, and the team & I are grateful for all you have given to improve the quality of life for Mr. C."

“My family worked with Virginia Chang recently because of my 95-year-old mother. She guided us through our emotional turmoil and helped us achieve a calmer acceptance of the eventual outcome. Virginia also empowered us by arming us with enormous amounts of critical information that allowed us to get the best care for our mother. At first, I really did not understand what Virginia could help us with but by the end we were all grateful we engaged her. Her individual support for each of my siblings helped us come together as a tighter family unit as we faced this end-of-life period for our mother. Her services are priceless when weighed against all that we gained in engaging her.”

A.’s aunt
“I don’t know how to repay you for what you gave me tonight. I am so grateful.”

W.’s wife
“Thank you for being the understanding, loving, beautiful person you are and being there for us when you could.”

"When a robust and fulfilling life is interrupted by grave illness, it's hard to pivot to acceptance and prepare for the end of life. This was the case for my husband. While he was realistic about the nature of his disease, he persisted in maintaining the core elements of his normal life and was frustrated at the pace and progress of his disease. This prevented him from making the most of our love and attention as his condition worsened.
When he started working with Virginia, he found space to say all the things, to speak of the hopes, fears, and regrets so he could allow himself to accept our love and care. He remarked, "I wish I had started this process sooner."
While Virginia also counseled my children and me gently and with great love, the biggest merit of our work with her was my husband's increased calm and acceptance, and his ability to live fully in his last weeks and days. This allowed us all to be in the same place and guide him gently to the end of his life."

S.’s social worker
“Please share with Virginia that her role was integral to our team approach. We are all grateful for her contributions.”

R.'s nurse
“I am greatly appreciative of Virginia reinforcing the hospice goals of care.”

“Having Virginia's support, expertise and insight throughout the process of preparing for and reflecting on our loss has been invaluable. While our family was all mourning the same person, our different experiences were respected and we all found ways to honor our loved one both together and separately, thanks to Virginia's sensitive and inclusive approach. Together, we planned and held our memorial event, and I think it was meaningful for all who were able to join us. I can't overstate how incredibly helpful Virginia has been at every point. I'd wholeheartedly recommend an end-of-life doula to anyone anticipating or experiencing bereavement.”