• A green background with three spirals in the middle.

    Virginia Chang, Ph.D.
    Certified End -of -Life Doula

    How do you want to live until the very last moment?

  • A green background with three spirals in the middle.

    Virginia Chang, Ph.D.
    Certified End -of -Life Doula

    How do you want to live until the very last moment?

Let Your Potential as a Doula Unfold

A woman sitting on the bench in front of a tree

Are you looking to grow, learn, and enhance your skills as an end-of-life doula? Are you looking for guidance, advice, and support in your work as a doula? Whether you are interested in becoming a doula or expanding your capabilities, join me in a reciprocal and collaborative at-will relationship that will develop your potential.

Service to those at the end of their lives and their loved ones is an intense yet incredibly rewarding experience. It is a time of powerful emotions, encompassing everything from grief to awe. Holding space for and being open to the dying requires good self-care based on self-awareness so as not to be overwhelmed by this emotionally demanding work. As your mentor, I will discuss your goals and objectives as an end-of-life doula as well as encourage and support you in your work. I will also help you to develop and maintain personal well-being for doing the work.

Mentoring may include, but is not limited to:

  • weekly meetings, either in-person or remote

  • phone consultations

  • opportunities to shadow and assist me in my practice

  • support and encouragement in your development as a doula

  • advice and guidance in your work as a doula

  • analysis and processing of your case situations

  • an educational component to keep you up-to-date in this evolving field

A close up of some flowers in a vase

“Over the last year, it’s been difficult trying to figure out my path including this new role as an end-of-life doula. I was a little nervous to work with you at first but it’s been a wonderful experience, learning from you and getting your advice.

I was reviewing your feedback on my website last night and smiled to myself when I thought about how smart and dedicated to detail you are! You are a seasoned end-of-life doula and it’s a privilege to work with you and to have you review my website and provide feedback.

You’ve given me the courage to take on this role and to be more secure in it.”

— Lisa Petgrave-Nelson, LMSW, OSW-C, end-of-life doula, Solace in Knowing
A close up of yellow flowers with red centers

“You listen, you customize suggestions and thoughts to fit one talking. THEN you listen some more. Your input into my life comes from a whole different line of living. I cannot tell you just why or how or what.

I know you open doors in my mind I did not know were even there!!! Well done.”

—Dannie Engwert, end-of-life doula and author of Good Grief
A close up of red and white flowers

“I am grateful for the mentorship you give me. Having the opportunity to learn from you has made a substantial difference in my end-of-life doula work. I feel confident in suggestions you make, and I trust your judgement. Your effective listening skills and undivided attention make me feel I am being heard and valued. You listen to what I have to say, and you steer me in the right direction. You give me honest and direct feedback on my work. I like that because it allows me to move on to other projects in a timely manner. The clarity I get out of our calls helps me to move forward with confidence.”

—Joan Bretthauer, MS, end-of-life doula and coach, ACE End-of-Life Doula Services
A close up of many different flowers

“Mentoring with Virginia has given me clarity and an opportunity to share my experiences,
ask questions, and find comfort in this role.

Thanks to her encouragement and assistance, I launched my website and began seeing clients in private practice.
Couldn’t have done this in such a short period of time without her support!

Virginia’s demeanor, her insights, and guidance have been incredibly valuable!”

—Gillian Fein, end-of-life doula, gillianfein.com

Let me be your personal advocate.
Contact me to discuss a mentoring relationship.